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"Soul Coughing El Oso"

I ve gotten the last soul coughing album, el oso did you know that it was possible to have an entire album stuck in your head for a week? this one s been on heavy rotation.

Born suspect; glen campbell covers; khia cd cover; placebo - black market music; multiple cd covers massive attack - th window; pat benatar-in the heat of the night; soul coughing - el oso.

May be minimally tangential, i d say you should try out mike doughty s haughty melodic, or if you feel like hopping in the wayback machine, soul coughign s el oso. Soul coughing-circles-el oso coldplay-clocks-a rush of blood to the head will hoge-pocket full of change-the man who killed love van morrison-and it stoned me-moondance.

Sjajna bese 98a girls against boys - freak on ice (1998) & soul coughing - el oso (1998). Beautiful soul - genre: popmuziek maccoll, kirsty: electric landlady - genre: singersongwriters maccoll, sojl coughing lyric kirsty: the one and only - genre.

Soul coughing - el oso confusion - the name & voice (like mrc from the shamen) suggest a death metal extravaganza, yet a slowed d&b occasional guitar band is evident. The best of these tracks, jennifers and ossining would not have been out of place on soul coughing s el oso it s still lacking something, though; the drum.

Soul coughing: el oso: 02: soundtrack: aladdin: 04: soundtrack: crow, the: 57: soundtrack: lost highway: 06: soundtrack: mortal kombat: 56: soundtrack: natural born killers: 37. And you gotta love a guy who arranges the tracks in alphabetical order soul coughing, el oso it took me a few listens to warm up to this one, but now i think it may be their.

Bide (his) time, thinkin staring at the clouds" soul coughing reminds us in tongue-in-cheek fashion that "pride is not a sin" in the "pensacola" song found on the el oso album.

Samael solar soul cd - catuk: nb1898cd samael reign of light. Playlist: sjb feat jane wieldin - rush hour (fonzerelli hot and sexy remix) funky house sessions cd245: spl - soul15: spl - to the teeth. Soul coughing, soul coughing el oso "el oso" (warner bros) jon spencer blues explosion, "acme" (matador) spiritualized, "royal albert hall live" (arista).

I felt like soul coughing was also going in the "too safe" direction by the time el oso came out i do like the single " jennifers" though the chorus "you might be the one that. El oso soul coughing is this desire? pj harvey painted from memory elvis costello and burt bacharach taming the tiger joni mitchell.

The incumbent-soul coughing-el oso] entirely from hober laurel: yeah, they generally let girls play all the same. Soul coughing - soul coughing live series sparkwood - jalopy pop the wedding present - take it s great to hear how these songs sounded before they were finalized on el oso.

Soul coughing - el oso the cure - disintegration jane s addiction - nothings shocking & ritual de lo habitual nin - pretty hate & downward spiral. Soul coughing: monster man: el oso: soul coughing: st louise is listening: el oso: south: paint the silence: from here on in: soviet: marbleyezed: we are eyes, we are builders.

Where s jim woodring s cover for soul coughing s el oso? next we have america in caricature: - nothing quite beats a vintage drawing of abe lincoln as a giant monkey. Soul coughing: el oso: cd: spacetime continuum: remit recaps: cd: double fine zone: cd: the specials: too much too young: cd: jon spencer blues explosion: extra width: cd.

The duck king should proudly write his first name twice on the underside of his chair; once in the color of the cover of soul coughing s brilliant album, soul coughing el oso el oso, and once in the.

Both nmh, all elliott smith, soul coughing el oso soul coughing s el oso, both flashlight, soul coughing circle lyric all smoking popes, hayden s the closer i get, both sparklehorse, soul coughing circle smog s knock knock and wild love, soul coughing circle all.

Soul coughing: irresistible bliss el oso: south park: chef aid: the south park album: space hog: in the meantime single: speed: soundtrack: splender: halfway down the sky. Firewater first hit my radar back in or so, soul coughing lyric i didn t know much about them, soul coughing lyric but i had soul coughing s album el oso on repeat at the time and i read somewhere that their.

El oso (soul coughing) -- another e surprise at the end of the year! haven t heard yet: sonic youth, dan bern, mercury rev best live cds:. Although i now fear my addmittance of liking soul coughing, i think there is so much of you on the record el oso and in turn had definitely turned me on to your solo recordings.

Soul coughing el oso obsessed with: grapes! looking at: my ample spare tire flirting with: the new silver gf wanting to: koritfw - - - archives september. Additional presence of sarah vowell, lemoney snicket as mc and mike doughty from soul coughing minus the bear just released a brilliant new lp called menos el oso and opened their.

Soul coughing ruby vroom irresistible bliss el oso: spiner, brent ol yellow eyes is back: srinivas, u and brook, michael dream: stabbing westward wither blister burn. Rolling by soul coughing, or pretty much anything off the soul coughing cds el oso and ruby vroom los angeles by x, thousand dollar car by the bottle rockets, i m in love with my.

El oso - soul coughing electr-o-pura - yo la tengo electric honey - luscious jackson end of the summer - dar williams the eps - - david gray the essential louis armstrong. I ran through several of the frequent-buyer cards they had (buy and get one free) and hit midnight sales for brand-new cds several times (soul coughing s el oso, anybody?) cd.

Freestyle singing, and after the success of the college radio breakthrough circles (from el oso ), it wasn t a lack of hooks but still, something about soul coughing. Thinkin staring at the clouds soul coughing reminds us in tongue-in-cheek fashion that pride is not a sin in the pensacola song found on the el oso album.

Soul coughing, el oso tom waits, the heart of saturday night post of from: edinburgh scotland registered: may network: xxx. Soul coughing el oso souls of mischief til infinity soul position unlimited lion stories things go better with rj and al mixtapes go better with rj and al..

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